Kratom Effects
Feel better about yourself and environment. Associated with feelings of motivating productivity.
Super Energy
This strain has a reputation for stimulating motivation, enthusiasm, and clean energy that helps tackle any project!
Workout Boost
Offers clean energy to promote physical activity and motivation. Great for helping you power through your next workout.
Malay Kratom strains are grown in various regions.
Kratom cultivators managed to produce a Kratom variety that mimics Malaysian Kratom strains. You see, the alkaloid profile of Malay has a similar compound structure to Kratom growing naturally in Malaysia.
Therefore, instead of getting its namesake from the country that cultivates it, the title Malay comes from the effects it produces.
The main effects felt from White Malay Kratom are energy, more energy, and even MORE energy!
Thunder Hippo is the FASTEST Kratom strain we offer! Make sure you take the recommended serving sizes listed on the packaging. You don’t want to consume too much. It might have you bouncing off the walls.
Here are a few of the Kratom effects associated with White Malay:
- Productivity
White Malay motivates consumers to become more productive while performing daily tasks.
- Super Energy
Thunder Hippo stimulates your mind and gives you enough energy to tackle all your tasks.
- Workout Boost
Some consumers use Diamond White Vein Malay as a pre-workout supplement before heading to the gym. Take the time to read what Puddles Hippo says in his White Malay Kratom review. It provides valuable information about the strain, like serving size suggestions.
Start with 1 gram (1 Pink Scoop or 1/2 Teaspoon) to evaluate the effects.
Adjust Kratom Serving Size slowly - increase each serving size by 0.25-0.50 grams each time until you begin to feel the magic.
We always recommend starting LOW and working your way up in small increments. It's better to take 'too little' (no benefits) than 'too much' (temporary irritating effects).
An empty stomach is optimal AND be sure to drink lots of water! Stay Hydrated!
The Kratom and coffee plants are biologically related since they’re both members of the Rubiaceae family. White Malay produces enough energetic effects to rival a cup of coffee.
However, Kratom powder does not contain caffeine.
Instead, the productive feelings you get from taking White Malay come from its unique phytochemical profile. Nonetheless, some people consume White Malay Kratom as a substitute for their morning cup of coffee.
If used responsibly and within the recommended serving sizes, Kratom is considered safe to consume.
Be very mindful of your serving size to avoid potential undesirable effects.
Most Kratom side effects are temporary and will subside after a couple of hours.
In most cases, they are brought on by taking a larger serving size than you’re used to. You may also experience side effects when trying a new strain with a higher alkaloid content for the first time.
If you want to avoid feeling yucky, try to keep your serving size low and always work your way up in small increments. Kratom is not a “more is better” kind of thing.
Many Kratom (Mitgragyna Speciosa) users prefer to purchase Kratom in powder form.
You can mix it into your favorite beverage or use it to brew Kratom tea.
Kratom powder also enables users to measure out the amount of powder that is right for them.
Kratom Capsules contain a pre-measured amount of Kratom Powder in a vegetarian casing. They are great for people who don't enjoy the naturally bitter taste of Kratom and are convenient for those who live a busy lifestyle.