Our 100% Happiness Guarantee is our pledge to make customers Happy - no matter what.
We have nearly 2 decades of experience as consumers and we know what is important to customers.
Kratom is a miracle for so many people, but it often takes some trial and error to find what's best for you.
We’ll help you in that journey.
1. Return Anything That You Don't Like
You will NEVER get stuck with a batch or strain that you don't like. If something isn't right, please reach out to us. We’ll make it right.
As a Kratom consumer of nearly 2 decades, I firsthand understand the fear of spending hard earned money and getting stuck with an unfavorable batch without recourse.
We hold our suppliers to the same standard as well.
2. Experienced Customer Service Who Use Kratom
Our customer service team uses Happy Hippo Kratom daily and can provide advice from personal experience to make sure you're on the right track.
3. Silly Fast Shipping (Faster than Amazon!)
Our Fulfillment is silly fast. We get the majority of orders out on the same business day.
M-F: 3 pm MST (5 pm EST)
SAT: 10 am MST (1 pm EST)
4. Small Batch, Alkaloid-Rich Kratom
We are certified by the American Kratom Association's GMP standards. All of our Kratom is packaged in small batches, lab-tested, and pre-sterilized. Our product is pesticide-free as well.
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