Kratom Effects

Pro Social

Great for confidence in social situations. Reported to ease butterflies, encourage an upbeat, talkative, pro-social attitude.

Super Energy

This strain has a reputation for stimulating motivation, enthusiasm, and clean energy that helps tackle any project!

Workout Boost

Offers clean energy to promote physical activity and motivation. Great for helping you power through your next workout.


Over in Southeast Asia, the Mitragyna speciosa (also known as Kratom) tree grows indigenously. The tropical tree grows wild in the rainforests. Recently, local farmers in countries like Indonesia began planting Kratom as a cash crop.

Kratom farms produce and manufacture several strains of Kratom. However, the locals refer to the most potent batches of leaves as “maeng da”—slang for “pimp grade” Kratom.

Within the Kratom leaf, a vein runs down the middle and produces offshoots in a pinnate venation pattern. Those veins change colors during their lifespan. They go from white to green to red. When you hear someone calling it Green Vein Maeng Da Kratom, that’s what they mean.

The Kratom vein’s colors alert the farmer when it’s time to harvest—red leaves are the most mature. However, farmers can pick the leaves at different cycles. The alkaloid profile of each leaf with separate-colored veins differs from one another, providing necessary chemical structures for individualized strains.

While all Maeng Da Kratom is reportedly potent, the potency of Green Maeng Da Kratom makes it a fan favorite. Manufacturers are fond of the strain, too. Green Maeng Da is the typical ingredient used to make Kratom extracts.

Hyper Hippo is our Green Maeng Da Kratom. Here are a few of its most reported Kratom effects.

Common Kratom Effects from Taking Green Maeng Da Kratom:

Pro Social

Hyper Hippo works wonderfully as a mood booster for social excursions. Some say it makes you feel more connected to people. So if you get nervous around others, Green Maeng Da works like a charm.

Super Energy

In the morning, most of us suffer from a sluggish start to our day. But this strain produces a clean energy that keeps those nods at bay. However, it’s not overly stimulating. You don’t have to worry much about any uncomfortable jitters.

Workout Boost

Most of us lost access to gyms during the pandemic. Now weight rooms are back open. Yet, it’s still challenging to get back into a routine. Have no fear, though. Take some Hyper Hippo! You’ll be ready to pump some iron in no time.

Start with 1 gram (1 Pink Scoop or 1/2 Teaspoon) to evaluate the effects.

Adjust Kratom Serving Size slowly - increase each serving size by 0.25-0.50 grams each time until you begin to feel the magic.

We always recommend starting LOW and working your way up in small increments. It's better to take 'too little' (no benefits) than 'too much' (temporary irritating effects).

An empty stomach is optimal AND be sure to drink lots of water! Stay Hydrated!

Maeng Da Kratom is typically grown in the country of Indonesia.

Many Kratom (Mitgragyna Speciosa) users prefer to purchase Kratom in powder form.

You can mix it into your favorite beverage or use it to brew Kratom tea.

Kratom powder also enables users to measure out the amount of powder that is right for them.

Kratom Capsules contain a pre-measured amount of Kratom Powder in a vegetarian casing. They are great for people who don't enjoy the naturally bitter taste of Kratom and are convenient for those who live a busy lifestyle.

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