Hi There Friend!
Top-shelf quality doesn't always require a ladder to reach.
Particularly, if you are a Monkey or happen to know Puddles.
(Monkey Sound: Ou Ou Ah Ah)
Happy Hippo's Green Vein Bali Kratom (Top-Shelf Bali) is truly Top Shelf, as one of our very first customers coined it in April of 2013.
We'll tell you why.
Green Bali Kratom - Happy Hippo's Original Happy (Slow) Leaf
Top-Shelf Bali is one of three Kratom Strains that laid the foundation for Happy Hippo Herbals' birth.
Time: Long-time friends of Hippo have drawn consistent benefit from this Green vein Leaf for the past six years.
Possible Green Bali kratom benefits: Happy Feelings or Sense of Well-being, Anti-Illogical Thoughts, Subdued Mental and Physical Discomforts
Reflection: Puddles is getting Old(er). Discomfort-Free days and an overall sense of Happiness have contributed to a fleeting sense of time.
Background for Best Understanding: Green Bali (Top-Shelf Bali) Kratom
Circa 2013: Puddles decreed a three-category spectrum from the start. The starting line was drawn after years of experience with Kratom and its versatile offerings.
We saw a need for there to be a roadmap for Kratom Connoisseurs and Newbies alike.
If you consider yourself a Kratom Newbie, Puddles designed a Kratom Starter Pack just for you.
Some claim that Kratom Powder is no different from one strain to the next, all benefits and side-effects (good and bad) remain the same.
Puddles oftentimes wonders if these Talking Heads have actually experienced different varieties of Kratom for themselves?
Even doing something as simple as adjusting your Serving Size can cause a kratom strain to exhibit different effects than it previously had shown.
If you change over to an entirely different type of kratom it's reasonable to expect the new strain will offer a unique experience of its own.
Reasonable Expectation: Green Bali Kratom (Top-Shelf Bali) is a superior resource for Happiness/Discomfort-Management than both Green Indo (Happy Hippo I), and Green Maeng Da (Hyper Hippo).
Bali Kratom Effects - 4 Different Types of Bali Kratom For Sale Online
Truth: The most similar choice to Green Bali (Top-Shelf Bali) will be another Bali strain that is simply another vein color.
Vein Colors available in nature for Bali kratom range from Red Vein, Green Vein, Yellow, and White Vein.
Using kratom for energy is not the strong suit for the Slower speed Kratom Strains, whether it's a Bali kratom leaf or otherwise. Though, if your serving size is on the low end of what you would deem as your Sweet Spot you can experience a subtle increase in Energy with Bali Kratom. Most Hippos have found that the Yellow Bali is slightly more stimulating than Green Bali & Green Bali is slightly more stimulating than Red Bali.
There is always a give-and-take relationship between Energy and Happy when it comes to kratom effects.
Bali Kratom of any vein color, always falls closer to the Happy end of the spectrum.
Yellow Vein Bali (Royal Golden) is very similar to Green Bali Kratom (Top-Shelf Bali), but slightly Faster.
Red Vein Bali (Red Dragon Bali) is very similar to Green Bali Kratom (Top-Shelf Bali), but slightly Slower.
Super Happy & Helpful Slow Leaf Chart

If a Leaf is Faster than another Leaf, it will be better for Energy (so it will be slightly worse for Happy/Discomfort-Management).
Likewise -
If a Leaf is Slower than another Leaf, it will be better for Happiness/Discomfort-Management (so it will be slightly worse for Energy).
Neither Fast (energy/enthusiasm) or Slow (happy/relief) is considered better.
It's all about what YOU are looking for!
What You Can Expect from Our Green Vein Bali (Top-Shelf Bali)
Why is Happy Hippo's Green Vein Bali Better Than Other Bali Kratom Online?
Peace of Mind.
Green Bali is not meant to be an energetic or Fast Leaf.
It probably won't make you clean up your room or do dishes.
Green Bali Kratom is strictly a relaxing option.
Bali Kratom is the most common kratom strain on the market and is often the first variety Newbies try.
Unfortunately - the majority of Bali kratom on the market is very cheap and ALMOST ALWAYS milled from immature Kratom trees.
Sadly, this leads Newbies to believe that Bali Kratom doesn't work for them.
(or that Kratom isn't the wondrous plant that we all know it can be)
Our Green Bali (Top-Shelf Bali), like ALL of our other kratom strains, is milled from mature trees with well-developed, potent alkaloids.
It's night and day compared to the cheap, grainy Smoke shop Kratom that most Newbies first encounter.
For veteran enthusiasts, Green Bali Kratom Powder is often the base of their Fast-Slow blends; Green Maeng Da (Hyper Hippo) + Green Bali (Top-Shelf Bali).
Closing Thoughts
Green Bali (Top-Shelf Bali) Kratom started off as our singular choice for a Slow (Happy) Kratom Strain. It's now surrounded by 11 other great choices.
An abundance of high-quality options can be a great thing. Sometimes it can be overwhelming and very often it is this way for Newbies. If you're hesitant on which Slow Strain(s) to choose, we can confidently assess our Green Bali as being a stellar choice based on its representation being a standard amongst Veteran Kratom Connoisseurs.
We do not preach here at Hippo, but if there is one thing we come close to being preachy on it would be this -
Just Get Started, Your Personal Intuition Knows You Best
While this composition of thoughts is dedicated to our Green Vein Bali (Top-Shelf Bali), you cannot go wrong with any of our Bali kratom strains.
If you picked your favorite color you'd still off to a great start. As time goes by, you will narrow your list of favorite strains down and we are willing to bet a Bali or two will remain.
- Check out our Original Happy Strain - aka Green Vein Bali Kratom Powder (Top-Shelf Bali).
Your Original Happy Friend,
Top-Shelf Puddles Hippo
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