Kratom Review: Red Horn Kratom (Smiley Horned Hippo)

In this article we review of the Red Vein Horn Kratom Strain (also known as Smiley Horned Hippo), providing you with insight into its benefits, effects, and our personal experiences associated with this type of kratom.
Featured Image of Puddles the Hippo character representing the Happy Hippo Product Red Horn Kratom Powder (Smiley Horned Hippo)
May 04, 2021
2 min read

Hi Happy Friend!

We're going to tell you about a 'Secret Leaf' that's popular among longtime Kratom enthusiasts but Newbies don't know what to make of it.

Red Horn Kratom (Smiley Hippo) is my personal favorite among the Slow, Happy varieties.



While you will certainly enjoy the distinct "Smiley" warm relaxation vibes - Red Horn Kratom has another 'secret' purpose entirely -


Kratom veterans mix the Slow Red Horn Kratom (Smiley Hippo) with Faster Strains to add a "Happy" element or to 'slow down' the more vibrant varieties.

Red Horn Kratom is the Slowest (Happiest) Leaf we have and is an exceptional value once you learn to mix multiple Kratom Strains.

Puddles Hippo Tip: Mix Red Horn Kratom with any of the Fast Strains for an Energetic but More Happy time!


What is Red Horn Kratom? (How is 'Horn' Different than Regular Leaf?)

Horned Kratom Leaf is not particularly different from 'normal' Kratom Leaf, other than it's meant solely for relaxation.

Physically speaking, Horned Kratom (sometimes called "Spike-y Leaf Kratom") has little "spikes" on the end of the leaves.

These "spikes" can be individual or multiple -

Closeup Image of a Kratom Tree (Mitragyna Speciosa), with horned leafs

Compare that to 'normal' Kratom Leaf, which has a tip but not the additional "Horned" spikes -

Infographic image of several kratom leaves with rounded edges, but a pointed tip

Other than that, Horned Leaf functions similar to all other Slow Kratom Strains.


Why Haven't I Heard About Red Horn Kratom?

Good question.

Most people simply haven't tried Red Horn Kratom.

Even more people don't understand its true purpose.

There is also an unfortunate preconception among Newbies and rookies that Horned Leaf is "Kratom, but just weaker".

Not so.

In fact -

If you can find a quality, mature Horned Leaf (hint: Happy Hippo!) you might actually find that Horned Leaf is actually STRONGER than the others.

Fast Kratom (and also Moderate Leaf, to some extent) only provides a present-but-overall-subtle Sense of Well-Being.

True Horned Kratom Leaf will have a pronounced Sense of Well-Being.


What are the Effects of Red Horn Kratom?

Stress-free. Discomfort-free. Relaxed. Sense of Well-Being.


Red Horn Kratom (Smiley Hippo) is Slow Kratom Leaf.

Horned Kratom is not as energetic and won't make you want to 'clean your room' like Ghost Hippo.

Horned Kratom serves 1 purpose -

Making you Happy

Free of nerves.

Free of discomfort.


Red Horn Kratom is the Slowest-of-the-Slow.

Although nothing is certain and everyone will react differently to the different varieties - we rarely have customers that say that the Horned Kratom doesn't work well for them.

Puddles Pro-Tip: While many consider Red Horn Kratom (Smiley Hippo) to be the ultimate 'Chill Out Leaf', it's not particularly a 'Social Leaf' as a standalone. It is best enjoyed in an equally relaxing environment.

Why Red Horn Kratom is the Secret Happy Hippo Leaf (The Ultimate 'Happy' Mix Base)

Despite the value as a relaxing standalone, adding Red Horn Kratom Powder is the ultimate way to add an element of "Happy" to any kratom strain.

See for your yourself!

Mix equal parts (1:1) of Red Horn Kratom (Smiley Hippo) with any other Faster Strain.

The combinations are endless -

Hyper / Smiley Hippo

1 gram of Green Maeng Da Kratom (Hyper Hippo) + 1 gram of Red Horn Kratom (Smiley Hippo)

Smiley / Sunshine Hippo

2 grams of Yellow Maeng Da (Sunshine Hippo) + 2 grams of Red Horn (Smiley Hippo)

Be creative!

Learn more about our horned kratom blends.

Your experience will be similar to what you'd normally expect, but there will be a noticeable element of "Happy" that just wasn't there before.

I absolutely swear by Red Horn Kratom for mixing and spicing up other Kratom Strains.

Red Horn Kratom is truly the "Secret Happy Hippo" Leaf.

Puddles' Truth: It may take many months (or even years) to truly understand the value of each and every Kratom Strain. The good news is that - It will be a Happy trial and error experience.


Closing Thoughts

Red Horn Kratom Powder (Smiley Hippo) is the wonderful, somewhat obscure, Secret Happy Hippo Leaf that's enjoyed to its fullest capacity by veteran Happy Hippo customers.

Relaxing on its own.

Uniquely relaxing in combination with other kratom strains.

While it may take some trial and error to truly unlock Red Horn Kratom's "Smiley" potential - it is very much worth it.

Red Horn Kratom turns a bad morning into a good afternoon.


Smiley Horned Puddles Hippo

We will begin to discuss the topic of 'Mixing Kratom Strains' on our new blog.

Which Kratom combinations have worked for you? Please tell us below!

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Please note that all comments are reviewed and must be approved before being published.

Article Comments

Puddles Hippo

The [i]Hybrids[/i] are generally centered around seasonal events, or Holidays.

Christmas (Santa Hippo)
St. Patricks (4 Leaf Clover Hippo)
Halloween (Spooky Hippo)

So on and so forth…

We will try to have a [i]Hybrid[/i] strain available within the next 45 Days.

If we come across a really, really good mix… We may not be able to resist! (think) 8)

Ben Hecksher II

I absolutely love to use WHR with my fast strains, such as GMD/RMD/Viet/Malaysian and so on. I’ll definitely be getting some of these and trying them out stand-alone and as a mixer.

Also, can we please bring back hybrids?! Like the santa hippo, that was insanely good!! I’d be willing to pay extra for the bags to be premixed, maybe this could be implemented as a service in the future? :)

Ben Hecksher II

Puddles Hippo
Triple Bali Tea can be quite comfy and relieving. (Gold,Red,Green-equal parts) Chris & Puddles are finding us a very nice White Bali I think…?


Indeed! We have reserved a treasure chest to be filled with a future high-quality White Bali Kratom, on Puddles’ sailboat.

Or, a plot of our farm has been designated for a White Bali.

It’s been one of the more-requested strains as of late, as well as Stem-and-Vein.

Top Secret News: [b]Stem and Vein or “Bone Hippo” will be back, soon![/b] (nerd)


These are kinda basic…Im still very much learning. I’m at about a year into the everyday lifestyle. Learning is fun!??

-A Triple Bali Tea can be quite comfy and relieving. (Gold,Red,Green-equal parts) Chris & Puddles are finding us a very nice White Bali I think…?

-A Bali with a Sumatra
(Any Bali w/ any Sumatra) I choose each speed based on how I’m feeling that day-equal parts. Always simple, Always Chill?

-Magic Hippo❤️ with anything! It’s hard to refrain from Magic when my receptors have to break from it?…

-Osha Hippo ?(Green Bali + Rockstar-equal parts I believe). Perfect not-too-fast as I have had a long & nasty struggle with anxiety/worries…and the bad that can come along with those issues…

Hippos and Hippo CBD have made me HAPPY ??❤️? CLEARLY living again over here!

Thanks Chris, Puddles and Hippo Posse ?!!!


Puddles Hippo

Cheers to a belated 4th of July, Ken.

As you and Kelly have suggested, Bali Kratom is a go-to “base” for Kratom mixes.

We wanted to clarify that we consider Gold and Yellow to be synonymous, or the same.
For example, our Yellow Bali has the brand name of Royal Golden Bali.
