Managing Your Kratom Tolerance - How to Keep it Normal or LOW!

Many of us here at Happy Hippo enjoy Kratom on a daily basis and can present some tricks and tips on how to maintain a low Kratom Tolerance while being fully engaged in your kratom lifestyle
Featured Image depicting an Infographic of a meter indicating your kratom tolerance - meter is set to "low"
May 04, 2021
8 min read

How to Avoid Building up a Kratom Tolerance

Let's talk Kratom Tolerance, some misconceptions and more importantly - how to prevent your Kratom Serving from rising.

Collectively, the staff at Happy Hippo Herbals has over 2 decades of experience with this wondrous herb.

Many of us enjoy Kratom on a daily basis and can offer some tricks when it comes to lowering your Kratom Tolerance you may NOT have considered.

We're going to repeat the follow 2 concepts several times as the 2 mandatory keys to avoiding kratom tolerance -

  1. Find your "Sweet Spot" or "Happy Spot" and STICK TO IT
    This takes trial and error.
    - Servings too small = nothing
    - Servings too large = dull boy

  2. Religiously Rotate multiple Kratom Strains at your Sweet Spot
    Your Sweet Spot will change (go up) if you don't commit to a full rotation. Keep the amount of Kratom you take on a daily basis as consistent as possible. Learn everything there is to know about kratom strains.

These 2 concepts (Sweet Spot, Rotation) are crucial to continued success (aka avoiding building up a tolerance), especially if you're following a daily Kratom Lifestyle.

Is Kratom Tolerance a real thing?

- Absolutely.

Is Tolerance a significant hurdle to enjoying and using Kratom?

- No, not if you know what you are doing.

Kratom Tolerance can be loosely defined as -

When someone must increase their serving-size to achieve Kratom Effects that were previously enjoyed at a smaller Kratom Serving

Basically, more Kratom Powder or Kratom Capsules are needed to achieve similar results.

In the same way you can build up a Kratom tolerance to your morning cup of coffee (or 15 cups of coffee over the course of a day, like some people...!), you can build up a tolerance to Kratom.

How Long Does Kratom Stay in Your System?

Current research indicates the half-life of Kratom alkaloids' are between 7-24 hours among those following a daily Kratom Lifestyle.

That means 50% of the product will leave your body within 7-24 hours.

Educated guesses consider 2-9 days to be a safe range for full elimination.

Most existing studies focus on the half-life of Mitragynine, but 7-Hydroxymitragynine is hot on its heels.

More research is necessary to establish these facts.

Researchers have only begun studying the long-term effects of Kratom, but the initial findings are positive!

Disclaimer: The Kratom community needs more data before we can claim anything conclusively. The more research we fund, the quicker we’ll answer these questions. Lucky for us, such studies are already taking place.

Three Phases of Kratom Tolerance

You will almost always be in (or in-between) one of three stages -

1. "Honeymoon" Phase (ZERO KRATOM TOLERANCE)

This is normally early in a person’s experience, where every try feels amazing and hits just right. We call it the “Newbie Hug.”

This phase won't last forever, but the idea is to keep it close.

2. "Happy" Phase (or proper Kratom Lifestyle)

This describes most people who know what they're doing.

Your effects are consistent and largely meet expectations, with the occasional "Newbie Hug" (often from a new strain or mix) and occasional "miss". Your experience is generally consistent. Despite a few misses here and there, your burns deliver satisfactory, predictable results most of the time at nearly identical serving sizes of varying strains.

This is what you are shooting for, especially if you follow a Kratom Lifestyle.

3. "It Doesn't Really Work Anymore" Phase (Kratom Tolerance)

Your effects just aren't there or are far from what they used to be.

In this phase you have built up a tolerance and require increasingly larger servings to achieve the same effect - if any at all.

A series of misses over a short period, or an increasing number of misses over a long period, point to your tolerance being too high.

This is what you are looking to avoid.

I'll say it again -

The sweet spot adherence and a committed Rotation will keep most people out of this phase.

Have I Really Developed a Kratom Tolerance?

If you think you're in the "It Doesn't Really Work Anymore" Phase - you have developed a Tolerance to Kratom.

If you have been recklessly increasing your serving size (including frequency of servings) or not consciously following a rotation of Kratom strains - you may have built up your Tolerance.

At the same time, "It Doesn't Really Work Anymore" might be evidence if you're simply using an inferior product.

There's a huge difference between high-quality, lab tested Kratom and bad Kratom.

If you're going to follow a Kratom Lifestyle it's crucial you use a quality Kratom powder and rotate different Kratom strains on a set schedule.

If you have used the same exact strain and serving size for multiple weeks (or days, even if not on consecutive days), it will eventually stop working.

This is because -

Although Kratom strains (differing vein colors, varieties) only seem to vary slightly, they truly have different ratios of alkaloids that hit different receptors at different levels.

Red Vein Bali is an entirely different strain of Kratom from Green Vein Bali.

You can keep your Mind and Body "guessing" as to the side-effects from Green Vein will have more stimulating effects than Red Vein Bali.

You will develop Kratom Tolerance at the lowest possible rate by having the most varied Rotation.

That's how you keep it Happy.

That is how you avoid Kratom Tolerance.

What Are Signs of Tolerance?

It's not always obvious if you've hit a wall.

Here's some scenarios -

  1. You seem to be *missing* more often when you take your Kratom. You’ll notice decreased effects at your normal serving. This happens to everyone occasionally—even those in the "Happy" Phase—because of people’s distinct physiologies, environmental challenges, diet, etc. It’s not anything to worry about until it happens more more often than not.

  2. You HAVE TO take an increasingly larger serving to achieve the same effect. This can happen over time, moving from 2g to 3g to 4g and so on. It can also happen seemingly more rapidly, wherein people jump from 2g to 6g. The second case is more rare and more strongly associated with the use of extracts—which can make your tolerance levels go through the roof in a very short amount of time.

Stick to Plain Leaf Kratom Powder or Kratom capsules.

If you find you're mirroring either of the progressions detailed above or questioning if your Kratom is working, you probably have a developed a Kratom tolerance issue. Fortunately, we’re here to help.

10 Ways to Reduce Kratom Tolerance (#7 is a Happy Hippo Kratom Secret!)

Please note: Everyone's body processes Kratom differently. Tips and tricks that work for us may not work the same for you. Be patient with yourself and feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions.

1. Buy Kratom from Good Vendors, preferably GMP-Certified (Quality Product is safe and Works at 1 to 3 Grams for Most Hippos)

It’s an undeniable fact that many vendors offer low-quality, cheap Kratom. Those customers who get caught in that trap where they often find themselves having to take two or three times the amount of Kratom to achieve the same effects of the average person who frequents a higher-quality vendor. If your normal serving is 7g+, and especially if you never had success at 1-2g, then it’s possible you’re dealing with a lousy product.

2. Less Kratom Causes Greater Benefits (Concept - Small Serving Are Best)

Some "It Don't Really Work Anymore" victims may be simply using a higher serving than they actually need. Large servings that eclipse your "sweet spot" will give you a "dull" or "wobbly" effect. This isn't evidence your Kratom doesn't work but rather you're taking too much.

Remember, at small(er) servings, Kratom is stimulating. But at larger servings, Kratom is anti-stimulating.

We call it the "Dull Boy" effect.

3. Diet (Processed Foods and Trans Fat Screw up Your Metabolism)

It isn’t uncommon for changes in your diet to have an effect on your Kratom tolerance. Let’s say 4g (3 times/day) is your sweet spot, but you’ve had a bad month at work and it’s cropped up in the changes to your diet. Instead of eating home-cooked meals, you eat fast food all the time. Next thing you know, 4g three times a day isn’t cutting it anymore.

Is it a problem with increasing tolerance, or is it the stress and bad food having an ill effect on your Kratom’s potential effects? It’s hard to tell.

Many people find that transforming their diet into something healthier helps recalibrate their bodies so that 4g three times a day is your sweet spot again.

4. Exercise and Use Maeng Da Kratom or a Fast Leaf like White Malay (Thunder Hippo) for the Gym

It’s no accident that exercise is a significant potentiator for many natural herbs—including Kratom. Healthy, active people have more serotonin and are better equipped to take full advantage of its effects than sedentary people.

Our advice?

If you don't go to the gym, just go for a long walk and get some sunlight.

5. Slow Kratom Taper (Reduce -5-10% every other day)

Reduce your usage by 5-10% every other day until you’ve found your equilibrium. A daily Kratom Lifestyle is an easier variable to work with than individual burns. Tapering off of Kratom works; slow and steady wins the race.

6. Rapid Kratom Taper (Reduce -15-20% every day)

Instead of a stately, long-winded approach, taper your usage by 15-20% each day. In exchange for increased discomfort, you deal with it for a shorter duration.

You don't have to taper off entirely.

7. Serving-Spacing (Use Same Amount but Less Frequently)

For Kratom purposes, this technique has you increase the time between your kratom tea serving without altering the amount taken.

If you normally use 5g every three hours, bump it to 5g every four hours, then five hours, six hours, and so on until your scheduled Kratom servings have cumulatively reduced your overall daily servings.

You can use this method with fast or slow tapering (5-10% serving) if desired.

8. Use A Rare Kratom Strain or a Leaf You've Never Enjoyed - or Purchase Premium Stem & Vein Kratom (Bone Hippo)

After spending the past 1500 words telling you to not habitually use the same strain, there is a secret exception to the rule.

Grab a strain, ideally a rare one you've NEVER used and use it for several days.

Stem & Vein (Bone Hippo) is ideal for this.

After you use it for several days, IMMEDIATELY implement a rotation.

Learn more about how to find quality kratom near you.

9. Avoid Bed-Time Kratom

Unless you NEED Kratom before you go to sleep, skip it (or substitute it for CBD or a relaxing tea).

If you sleep for 8 hours, that's 8 hours of washout.

Drinking a couple glasses of water will help.

10. Take a Kratom Break (Total Kratom Washout)

Take a break from Kratom (and commit to Sweet Spot and Rotation when next return to your Kratom Lifestyle).

This break can be for a few days, a week, or more. Whatever you feel comfortable with.

It may be difficult, but unless you have built up an insane Kratom tolerance (generally from Kratom Extract overuse), Kava will almost entirely get you past any post-Kratom symptoms.

We recommend abstaining from Kratom for 1 or 2 weeks, using the above mentioned product as necessary.

This will allow your body to *reset* and you’ll find a renewed vigor once you take Kratom again.

At the end of the day, if your goal is to have a consistent Kratom experience (no matter how frequently), you will have to -

  1. Find your Sweet Spot (and don't leave it +/- .5 gram)
  2. Build your Rotation of no less than 5 Kratom Strains

The key to keeping a low Kratom tolerance is your Kratom Strain Rotation, a method that allows you to circumvent a temporary condition called “Stagnant Strain Syndrome.”

Will it solve everyone’s problems?

Probably not, but forewarned is forearmed—so definitely read up on it!

Closing Thoughts

Kratom tolerance is a common and misunderstood phenomenon.

This Happy Hippo guide is intended to give you some insight into how to strategically and intelligently live out a Kratom Lifestyle for as long as possible.

Sweet Spot and Rotation will solve most of the problems!

TLDR: Kratom tolerance is real, but it’s not the end of the world and can be largely prevented with some discipline and planning.


Do you have any suggestions to avoid Tolerance or maintain your Sweet Spot?

Let us know below!

Please note that all comments are reviewed and must be approved before being published.

Article Comments

Scott J

This is a blog post of rare wisdom. I have not experienced tolerance but my wife has. I’ll have her read this and get some understanding about the “doesn’t work like it used to.” We both mix, but I mix with more variety. She almost always mixes Thunder and Snuggie and that is her happy place. I almost always have Thunder, but mix with Snuggie, Smiley, Chocolate, Slo-Mo. I’ve tried some others that don’t really speak to me, ie, Magic. Tried it several times and just don’t like it. I’d like to find a good fast K without jitters. If I want crappy jitters I’ll just go beyond my one espresso in the morning and have a lousy day. That’s why I’m all about Thunder. I GET SH*T DONE, and I’m as happy as a clam. Tried lightning and ended up throwing in the trash because my wife and I both both got unpleasantly jittery. Adding some slow to Thunder in a pretty random rotation just increases the happy without taking away from the Thunder energy. Tried Zen recently and fell in love. Then it disappeared. Just got customer support today saying it’s back.

After a year of nearly daily use, I honestly feel like I’m still “Honeymoon,” likely because I’m accidentally rotating, just because I’m a curious guy and mostly ahead of whatever curve in life I’m exploring. So, I couldn’t agree with this blog post more. I’m about to get some stem and vein just for the hell of it, more for my girl than anything.

2 more points: BIG TIP! Forget all that toss and swallow or mixing with water stuff. Mix with 1/2-1 cup V-8 juice (or equivalent). Put it in a martini or protein drink shaker, shake it real good and drink. We all know K tastes awful, but this is the way to make it pleasant. Really!

Last point: You Hippos should start a side gig teaching other companies about customer service. No one come CLOSE to you guys in every sense. I always get quick responses that are NOT a bunch of BS in email support. And your shipping is NUTS!! I’m about to order right now (5:30 EST) and the FedEx guy will be here tomorrow by noon, I’ll bet $$$. I have no reason to ever go elsewhere because you have superior product at honest prices and sterling support. What else is there in an online transaction??
All the best to everyone, ScottyJ


This is the most useful bit of info on tolerance I have found ANY WHERE! you don’t understand how much this is going to help me. I’m in the “ it don’t work” stage. Now I know it’s thanks to my extract shot usage, was using 2 a day plus 10Gs of powder. The shot was not one from your company, a four letter word company name, and they are expensive. My plan is to grab a few bags of stem and vein and try and hold off on powder or very little for a week. I know the sniffles will come but I’m ready for my Kratom to love me again. Thank you so so much!


It’s amazing how much I’ve learned about Kratam tolerance!
Happy hippo Kratam lasts me 3x longer then any other vendor I have used. Rotating my strains with a few grams has helped me feel so much healthier.


Thank you for this good info on rotating. When I first read it about three years ago I had reached tolerance and was fearful I would be unable to get further relief from kratom. This info has saved me, as I have learned how to rotate strains and been successfully doing that with good relief for about 3 yrs now without getting tolerant again. I also learned from your blog about combining strains and my fav is Hyper/Top Shelf but also Sunshine/Snuggie for a gold yellow day…..I like the Mod effects of F/S combos


It’s never too late!!