Buying Kratom: How to use a Mobile Check as your Payment Method

We discuss how to use a mobile check to make purchases online. In this article we review the entire process, making it easy, and answering many of the questions associated with this payment method.
Featured image of a smart phone creating a mobile check for use as a payment
May 04, 2021
2 min read

How to Send a Mobile Check to Happy Hippo

(Get 10% Off For Hippo Packages Greater than $150)

We absolutely hate putting customers through hoops, or anything we'd consider as a hassle if we were in your shoes.

A high percentage of Happy Hippo's best customers and friends prefer Mobile Check over our traditional Credit Card solutions to purchase the best kratom products.

(Still prefer Credit Card? We can still accommodate you. Email us at and we'll walk you through it. *hugs*)

Anyways, if you value a discount above all you certainly will feel rewarded after trying Mobile Check just one time.

Mobile Check is RELIABLE and will allow you to purchase more Kratom Tea, Kratom ExtractKava, and Kanna over time.

Great News -

This option is actually VERY EASY.

Mobile Check is a neat, safe little method that has helped keep Puddles' Sailboat afloat over the last five years.

We recognize the names and histories of just about all clients who use this as their #1 Payment Method.

Mobile Check takes about 3 minutes and 14 seconds to complete.

You'll memorize the steps after your first-try, and you'll get faster each time.

It's 100% safe. Mobile checks are deposited via a USA (Domestic) Bank that is located half-a-mile from Hippo Headquarters.

We will show you all of the steps (and errors to avoid) so that each deposit is successful, with no hassle!

Hippo Packages will SHIP-OUT via UPS or FedEx the SAME-DAY as long as your Mobile Check is received prior to 4PM EST (Weekdays). Learn more about our Shipping Process.

Get Started: Any Human or Hippo with a Smartphone can use Mobile Check!

How to use a Mobile Check

  • Write check payable to: Happy Hippo LLC
  • Make sure the check's value matches the quote shown on your Hippo Invoice.
  • Sign check on the signature line, with your real name.
  • In the 'For' area at the bottom-left-hand side of the check, write your Order Number -OR- leave it completely blank.
  • Place Happy Hippo order and choose Mobile Check as payment method
  • Take 2 pictures (frontside picture & backside picture) directly at checkout! 

You are also free to take pictures prior to starting an order - and just upload those at checkout instead of using the camera.

We will send you a reply to confirm your successful deposit (if you send a mobile check after 5PM EST, we'll reply back the following morning).


Here is an example of a GOOD Mobile Check (frontside) -

(Please write as neatly as possible!)


Infographic image depicting how to properly fill out the Front side of a mobile check for Happy Hippo Herbals
  • Check is payable to Happy Hippo LLC (Please do not write Happy Hippo Herbals)
  • Shows all 4 corners (with surrounding space)
  • Order #
  • Signed (Please sign your real name, do not sign as Puddles Hippo)
    * Dark surface suggested

Here is an example of a GOOD Mobile Check (backside) -


Infographic image depicting how to properly fill out the Back side of a mobile check for Happy Hippo Herbals
  • Clear image of the check
  • Shows all 4 corners (with surrounding space)
    * Dark surface suggested

It's OKAY if your check images are sideways.

The most important thing is that you send CLEAR, straight images of your check that show all 4 corners (with space surrounding).

Hundreds of Happy Hippo Customers Use our Mobile Check Payment Line (and have a direct line to us)

That's it!

Hover over your check and snap those pics like you are a professional photographer.

Stock image of someone using a cell phone to take a photo of a mobile check

We are going to show you some BAD/FUNNY examples so you can avoid the most common Mobile Check mistakes -


The most common issue is sending an image that is too far zoomed in (that doesn't show all 4 corners and has no surrounding space).

Don't zoom in too close.
We need to see the entire check (with space around it)!
Image depicting an example of a bad mobile check - Do not crop the sides of the mobile check

Another rookie mistake can be to send a BLURRY image
(please make sure your pictures are clear)

Image depicting an example of a bad mobile check - Do not photograph the mobile check at a skewed angle

A crooked check is NOT GOOD

Image depicting an example of a bad mobile check - Do not take a crooked picture of a mobil check

Do not hold your check, please place it on a table
(dark surface is suggested)

Image depicting an example of a bad mobile check - Do not hold the mobile check with your hand, as it can conceal important details

Do not have a banana or other objects in your pictures

Image depicting an example of a bad mobile check - Do not include objects OTHER than the mobil check in your mobile check image

Lastly, please don't send a wrinkled check image
the bank can't process it

Image depicting an example of a bad mobile check - Do not use a photo of a crumpled mobile check

Thank you for the Hippo Order!

Providing payment should be easy, safe, and reliable.

Mobile Check is all of the above.

We look forward to providing you the utmost excellent service, throughout all aspects of the Hippo Experience. Learn more about how to buy kratom near you.

~ Happy Hippo Helper & Mobile Puddles Hippo

Please note that all comments are reviewed and must be approved before being published.

Article Comments


My check order is only giving me 10% off?

Mike C

haha yes, as in surprised a company was so awesome in a transaction with mobile checks, like formal but also personable

basically the best customer service

^it was a positive comment :) haha

Puddles Hippo

Surprisingly Weird/Friendly? Haha! :)

It shouldn’t be a surprise.

It’s Puddles personal cell phone.

So if you text us, you’re talking to the same Puddles as when you write us a letter (Email).

But, if you’d like to first confirm we are Happy Hippo before you send us a Text… This is a great idea and we’ll be Happy to confirm there is a Hippo on the other end of the line. (nerd)

Mike C

(heart) September 2016 – I bulk ordered XX kilo’s of my favorite strains, with a check high enough to make anyone worried about sending it anywhere :o ;( ..

..[b][i]literally[/i][/b] it was the easiest most stress-free process which took all of [u][b]1 minute to write it, snap it, text it[/b][/u] – got a typical Hippo friendly text back confirming it, thanking me for my order, etc. (you all know what i mean, you’ve used the customer service here, theyre angels lol |:) )

Obvi sending a few G’s via check to a rando # makes me feel weird[i] (im naturally like that, its healthy sometimes lol)[/i] so i texted first confirming it was the right number by saying something like [i]“how do i send it?”[/i] ~something along those lines, not mentioning a check, and got a Friendly Hippo text back within minutes

I didn’t need to write all this, but i never used Mobile Check before cause im like how tf do i do that lol – but trust me, it’s easy, safe, and surprisingly/weirdly friendly :P

Puddles Hippo

Crystal’s thoughts lend us a magnificent amount of credibility (Far beyond the topic of this Payment Guide).

We will not betray or dishonor your Loyalty, and we will always text you back.

No Hippo shall ever be left “on read”!
