The Best Kratom Strains for Making your own Kratom Blends (Including Old Hippo Recipes)

The various types of Kratom can provide an array of effects depending upon the properties of a specific Kratom strain. In this article we examine how to tailor the effects of Kratom by blending various strains. Included is information on making your own Kratom blends, as well as several classic recipes!

Featured image of two clean white bowls of Happy Hippo Kratom Powder - Ruby Red Thai, and Green Maeng Da kratom strains
May 04, 2021
4 min read

You guys have waited long enough...

We are FINALLY giving everyone access to Puddle’s Recipe Book!

This Holy Grail of kratom tea recipes holds all the old Kratom strain mixes we used to carry - with links to the strains so you can make them yourself at home

We also made sure to add some Customer Recommendations to help those branch out and use their K-leaf to its full potential!

Before We Jump Into It....
If for some reason your favorite mix is not below - this is because it probably contained a specific strain we no longer carry. If you have a question about a strain - email our Hippo Helpers at

All strain mixes (unless otherwise specified) are taken in 50/50 portions

Example: If your regular serving size is 4 grams, you should take 2 grams of EACH strain.

Old Hippo Kratom Strains

Blissful Hippo: Green Maeng Da (Hyper Hippo) + Red Horn (Smiley Hippo)
  • For Christmas in 2021
  • Resonates: Moderate  
Blossom Hippo: White Malay (Thunder Hippo) + Green Malay (Elite Elephant) + White Bali (Platinum White Bali)
  • For Spring 2022
  • Resonates: Moderate
Candy Cane Hippo: Ruby Red Thai (Invincible Hippo) + White Hulu (Chill Hippo)
  • An old beloved Holiday Strain!
  • Resonates: Moderate

Cottontail Hippo: Green Maeng Da (Hyper Hippo) + Green Sumatra (Zen Green Hippo) + White Borneo (Ghost Hippo)

  • For Easter 2022
  • Resonates: Moderate 

Dark Hippo: Green Maeng Da (Hyper Hippo) + White Thai Elite (Lightning Hippo)

  • Fun fact about this strain: this was our FASTEST sell out strain EVER! We sold out of this strain in less than 24 hours - so it’s a good one.
  • Resonates: Fast
Dos Horns: Red Horn (Smiley Horned Hippo) + White Horn (White Horned Rhino)
  • Named by one of Happy Hippo’s biggest fans, Obi! It’s a great mix for customers who prefer Slow Strains
  • Resonates: Slow
Explosive Hippo: Red Sumatra (Magic Hippo) + White Malaysian (Thunder Hippo)
  • For Independence Day in 2021
  • Resonates Super Fast!

Feliz Hippo: Green Sundanese (Jolly Green Hippo) + Red Maeng Da (Red Hot Hippo) + White Maeng Da (Rockstar Hippo)

  • For Cinco De Mayo 2022
  • Resonates Fast

Franken Hippo: Red Maeng Da (Red Hot Hippo) + Yellow Borneo (Snuggie Hippo)

  • For Halloween in 2021
  • Resonates: Moderate

Friendly Ghost Hippo: Yellow Maeng Da (Sunshine Hippo) + White Borneo (Ghost Hippo)

  • Featured in our Halloween Kratom Bundle in 2021
  • Resonates: Moderate 
G.O.A.T Hippo: Green Maeng Da (Hyper Hippo) + Green Bali (Top-Shelf Bali)
  • For Puddles' 9th Birthday in 2022
  • Resonates: Moderate
Gobbles Hippo: Yellow Borneo (Snuggie Hippo) + Green Bali (Top Shelf Bali)
  • Thanksgiving strain in 2020
  • Resonates: Slow
Grateful Hippo: Red Bali (Red Dragon Bali) + Red Maeng Da (Red Hot Hippo)
  • Thanksgiving strain in 2021
  • Resonates: Moderate
Halloweenie Hippo: Green Maeng Da (Hyper Hippo) + Red Maeng Da (Red Hot Hippo) + Yellow Maeng Da (Sunshine Hippo)
  • Our Halloween 2022 strain
  • Resonates Fast
Hard Hat Hippo: Diamond Malaysian (Thunder Hippo) + White Maeng Da (Rockstar Hippo)
  • In respect of Labor Day, this was a customer favorite!
  • Resonates: Super Fast
Haunted Hippo: White Malaysian (Thunder Hippo) + Ruby Red Thai (Invincible Hippo)
  • Halloween strain in 2020
  • Resonates: Super Fast
Heatwave Hippo: White Malaysian (Thunder Hippo) + Yellow Borneo (Snuggie Hippo)
  • Summer 2022 strain
  • Resonates Moderate
Hero Hippo: Green Maeng Da (Hyper Hippo) + White Vein Borneo (Ghost Hippo)
  • Veteran’s Day strain 2019 and 2020 
  • Resonates: Moderate
Hippity Hoppity Hippo: White Maeng Da (Rockstar Hippo) + Ruby Red Thai (Invincible Hippo)
  • For Easter in 2020
  • Resonates: Fast Moderate
Hippo 2k20: Green Vein Thai (Atomic Hippo) + Ruby Red Thai (Invincible Hippo)
  • Our 2020 New Year’s strain
  • Resonates: Fast
Honky Tonk Hippo: Yellow Viet (Wild Golden Hippo) + White Maeng Da (Rockstar Hippo)
  • In Remembrance of Elvis Presley! Smooth, like the King of Rock n’ Roll
  • Resonates: Fast
Hustle Hippo: Green Malay (Elite Elephant) + Yellow Maeng Da (Sunshine Hippo) 
  • Our 2022 Labor Day Strain
  • Resonates Fast
Light Hippo: Ruby Red Thai (Invincible Hippo) + Green Hulu (Harmony Hippo)
  • Released with Dark Hippo on ‘May the 4th be with you’
  • Resonates: Moderate
Patriot Hippo: Red Maeng Da (Red Hot Hippo) + White Maeng Da (Rockstar Hippo)
  • For Memorial Day in 2020
  • Resonates: Fast
  • Also check out Rosy Hippo (another Memorial Day Blend)
Pumpkin Patch Hippo: Red Maeng Da (Red Hot Hippo) + Yellow Maeng Da (Sunshine Hippo) + White Bali (Platinum White Bali)
  • For Autumn Equinox in 2021
  • Resonates: Fast

Puppy Love Hippo: Green Maeng Da (Hyper Hippo) + Red Bali (Red Dragon Bali)

  • For National Dog Day in 2021
  • Resonates: Moderate
Rainbow Hippo: Green Maeng Da (Hyper Hippo) + Red Maeng Da (Red Hot Hippo) + Yellow Viet (Wild Golden Hippo)
  • This mix is divided into thirds - if your normal dose is 6 grams, use 2g of each
  • Released for Pride Month in 2020
  • Resonates: Fast Moderate
Ragin’ Cajun: White Maeng Da (Rockstar Hippo) + Green Maeng Da (Hyper Hippo)
  • Dedicated to our employees from Louisiana. Born on the Bayou!
  • Resonates: Fast
Shamrockin' Hippo: Green Sunda (Jolly Green Hippo) + Red Sumatra (Magic Hippo)
  • For St. Patricks Day in 2022
  • Resonates: Slow 
Spooky Hippo: White Vein Borneo (Ghost Hippo) + Red Sumatra (Magic Hippo)
  • A Halloween strain from wayyyy back (can't remember the exact year)
  • Resonates: Slow
Superhuman Hippo: Green Maeng Da (Hyper Hippo) + Yellow Indo (Sassy Hippo)
  • Our best New Year’s strain yet! Great to kick off 2021
  • Resonates: Super Fast
Sweetheart Hippo: Red Malay (Fire Hippo) + Ruby Red Thai (Invincible Hippo)
  • For Valentine’s Day on 2020
  • Resonates: Slow Moderate
Tickle Me Pink Hippo: Red Maeng Da (Red Hot Hippo) + White Maeng Da (Rockstar Hippo)
  • For Breast Cancer Awareness Month
  • Resonates: Fast
Thunderstorm Hippo: White Thai (Lightning Hippo) + White Malay (Thunderstorm Hippo)
  • Resonates: Fast
Workaholic Hippo: Red Maeng Da (Red Hot Hippo) + White Malay (Thunder Hippo) 
  • For Labor Day 2021
  • Resonates: SUPER Fast
Yolo Hippo: Red Maeng Da (Red Hot Hippo) + Green Maeng Da (Hyper Hippo)
  • One of our oldest strains out there
  • Resonates: Fast

Puddles' Secret Weapon for Mixing Kratom Strains…

Something a lot of customers may not know is some Kratom strains are good for increasing the effectiveness of another strain.

For example, there are two strains that are great “potentiator” strains.

These two strains are Platinum White Bali and White Horned Rhino

Learn more about bioavailability and potentiating kratom!

Platinum White Bali is the best for making Fast strains Faster, and White Horned Rhino is best for making Slow strains Slower.

This is not specific science, just something our Hippo Employees have learned through experience.

The way you would mix these in with your strains, however, is a 3:1 ratio.

If your normal serving size is 4 grams, try 3 grams of whatever other strain you are going to take, along with 1 gram of the ‘potentiator’ strain

Try it for yourself and tell us what you think!


Customer Recommendations

A few months ago - we posted a Facebook poll for what strains customers like to make at home

Here are some unique ones:

Screenshot depicting a dozen different blended kratom recipes made from various kratom strains, and sent in by the Happy Hippo Community

To see the entire comment section of this post, click here ---> Facebook Post

If you haven’t seen your favorite mix up here and want to share the recipe - comment below!

Please note that all comments are reviewed and must be approved before being published.

Article Comments

Uncle Mike

If we’re going by recognized holidays and seasonal blends…

Why not release a chocolate Bali, or combine a red, green, and yellow (makes brown) for black history month!

A Hanukkah sample pack where you get a different strain for all 7 days (… or is it 9, I never remember)

New Year’s Day is just ALL whites mixed together because the future is so bright it’s blinding, but also because most people are so sleep deprived and high strung that they could really use the intensity of the fastness and slowness of some white veins.

Turd Fergason

Green Dragon was the best, 50/50 mix of Hyper Hippo and Atomic Hippo (Green Maeng Da + Green Thai)

I propose you make other mythical creatures.

Green Pegasus? Green Sundanese + Green Thai
Green Unicorn? Green Sundanese + Green Thai + Green Maeng Da

I bet a Red Dragon would be good (if it wasn’t already the name for the single strain Red Bali)

Uncle Mike

Green Dragon wasn’t even mentioned, ONLY the holiday related ones….

HH blend
—> ‘’Green Dragon’’ is 50/50 Fast Greens( Elite Green Maeng Da + Atomic Green Thai),
My Own Blends
—> ’’Green Pegasus" would then be 50/50 F. Greens (Atomic Green Thai + Jolly Green Sundanese)
—> “Green Unicorn” 1:1:1 equal parts (Elite Green Maeng Da + Atomic Green Thai + Jolly Green Sundanese)


loved this article. thanks. just learning about mixing strains. no other company i know of have such good info for newbies and great customer service. i am enjoying this kratom community. thank you :)


2:1 Thunder and Red Dragon Bali… chefs kiss! Feels like I can handle anything that comes my way! I actually save this blend for particularly hard days.